Passive Solar Aircraft/Organisms: Animacies of Freedom


Solar hot air balloons inhabit a liminal space between subject and object. Animated by the collective action of the sun and wind, they lift their human symbiont (perceptual matter, or sensing organ) into the sky and carry them along chaotic meanderings.

Thermodynamic Oscillations Create a buoyancy meta-organ for human-balloon fusion in aerial drifting. (2).gif

Manned Tests of Passive Solar Aircraft


70ft x 45ft manned solar balloon test 2015

This balloon was constructed by hand by me at Colorado College from 2014-2015. This balloon requires no additional energy inputs to fly, besides the energy used manufacturing the envelope, and the energy used to inflate the balloon with air. It is made out of 1mil black HDPE mulch cover, and scotch shipping and strapping tape. The bottom consists of a bicycle rim fiberglass tape and paracord that attaches to a rockclimbing harness. The ambient temperature during testing ranged from 60F to 74F. The balloon is 45ft in diameter and 70ft long

Happy pilot

Happy pilot

Passive solar balloon with a rigid balsa wood frame, the shadow of the aquatic chrome cube below

Passive solar balloon with a rigid balsa wood frame, the shadow of the aquatic chrome cube below (4).gif
Human-Balloon fusion occurs during deflation

Human-Balloon fusion occurs during deflation

Child and John Snow with Holochrome Defractor Torus at the Hayground School

Child and John Snow with Holochrome Defractor Torus at the Hayground School

A garden city hanging from a massive balloon

A garden city hanging from a massive balloon

Project Synthesis: Aerosolar Permutations of Digital Consciouness

synthesis page 1.png
Purposeless Synthesis in the Arctic

Purposeless Synthesis in the Arctic

Sketch of a larger geodesic passive solar hot air balloon

Sketch of a larger geodesic passive solar hot air balloon